poezie eseuri arta film




1.     Nights in Panciu

2.     Greek Blood

3.     The Story Postponed

4.  Satin,

5.     The end of the road, the beginning of the journey


                Romanian version



Nights in Panciu


On a collective farm in Panciu I climbed with a turkey hen

to the roof of the canteen

we looked around it was fantastic I was chortling

she was clucking, a bit frightened

she was a white turkey hen


we could hear voices songs loud curses from the dining hall

the long dormitories next door oozed silence

on all sides only grapevines I clutched her to my breast

she was frightened

she was like a book you open for the first time


I took her to the canteen I placed her in front of the singers

her shy movements were more graceful than

a ballerina’s

in her whitest tutu

I took her into the dormitories I swallowed the protests

she was whiter than the bed sheets

from the roof of the canteen we’d seen the world together




Greek Blood


Badge believed he had Greek blood in his veins

and in consequence

the whole of the world was a fishing boat and the whole of the sky

a bottle of rum

the night was balmy and Hellenic you could pass through it

in just a shirt

Badge walked the streets of Iaşi in shirt sleeves while the frost

bit fiercely

one night while music was dissipating hazily between

the two undivided rooms of his garret digs

while I was befriending a vicious runty dog

his fur half mangy

more than ugly

Badge broke the landlady’s sink with an empty bottle of Russian


the bottle had to get broken, the bottle as with the Greeks

his Greek blood drained from his body to the rotten wood of the


the cur G.G. sniffed and licked it

outside the cold was doing its utmost and not until much later

did he come to learn

it had only been through marriage, do you catch the drift? only

through marriage

anyway his short Greek life

had been wonderful




The Story Postponed


In this Part of Town a creature was born

small and white, a sweet navel

it began to live

in an Apartment House, on a Floor, in a Room

since it was just a kid it shampooed snakes

or smashed glasses because of tedium


the tramps in the Neighborhood adored the creature

the mascot of spume

they would toss it to the Sky in a carpet

the Sky was close to the Apartment, to the Garage and Parking Lot


the Building had a Superintendent but no one gave a damn


deep below was the Basement and the darkness

outside were the Shrubs and the Corner

everywhere were Mr. Neighbor and Mrs. Neighbor


Nearby was the Dragon family

they never had windowpanes in the windows of their Room

but neither does the Sky


Next door lived a Secret Police Agent

at work he had a Swimming Pool guarded by a Soldier

in the Parking Lot he had a Car


little by little a story gets pieced together

but we won’t hear about it here

because the hours are congregating over this Part of Town

and it’s getting awfully crowded






            … dogs keep tailing me lately,

like troubles, like clouds, like a shadow, like night.

A swarm of dogs. They don’t bite, just bare their teeth.

They leap out of a drawer, their eyes the flicker of phosphor dots

on my computer screen.

Whole packs of dogs. I feel kind of happy when they chew up

one of the T-shirts I hang out to dry, or a slipper

stolen from the hallway; I could almost

kiss their wet noses: they help me rid myself

of this rattlesnake’s den of things,

the turtle’s carapace

beneath which our brain boils to mush,

my windowless kitchen, the bulb

on the tip of my tongue,

the mice between my fingers:

how could you understand all this, satin?


Satin, your name burns our skin; or rather, our hide,

our tail, our claws. Your red

suffuses our dreams, commands every

second. It’s sort of a copyright,

more or less a brand name,

it corners you in the most unexpected



Satin, you can lie on the parapet of my terrace, head slumped between your

shoulders, tons of darkness weighing down your thoughts,

knees clenched together,

and grump at us, endlessly, “Get lost!”:

the next day, likewise,

nothing but gilded night.


Like any town in this world, my Iaşi possesses

the usual array of places: a city hall, a train station,

three or four of them, in fact,

a police headquarters, a center, innumerable outskirts,

a McDonald’s, banks, post offices, neighborhoods,

rivers and streams, hospitals. But there’s also something else,

something every other city is deprived of

(or so I’d like to believe, anyway): it’s got you, satin,

with your hopes against the wall, but more fully alive

for that reason.

(I almost forgot; it’s got a huge cemetery, too, and several smaller ones, heaps of stones and trees, God’s plenty of priests, droves of beggars. Dirty kids who want to wipe your windshield at every stoplight, vast churning oceans of potential soccer players – and dogs, more than anything else, dogs).


There are spots in the city that look like the Valley of the Kings:

a valley filled with monuments of tin, bricks and spired roofs

(when seen from the right perspective)

as if towering moon vaults sucked everything upward

into groins of dust and light.

The cubic desert of human settlement throbs

shyly, guiltily, asking forgiveness for its

existence. Man’s anthills are

hard to decipher.


Satin, there was a time when I imagined life as permanent floating.

Such premature happiness.

I used to say time is a sort of sled run

that packs your pants with snow and your soul with fire.

Satin, it seems many others imagined

much the same thing. When I’d wake up

my mouth was blue with ink,

how about that? –

like a kid absorbed in thought, making believe,

lost between the lines, messing with his Chinese pen

until its nib splits away.


You know, satin, this story doesn’t need an ending. Maybe

it’s because of weakness I’m trying to find one,

a gratuitous sort of closure. Nor does it need a period or question mark

to signal its limits. But if I were to round it off,

leaving some rough edges, of course, I’d stick with the image

I can see outside my window: the apartment building from the 50s.

On one of its corners,

a drain pipe. Old, nearly black. To this pipe,

someone has attached an aerial. Very old, too,

nearly black.

What could it all mean, little satin shoe?


Satin, I can almost breathe your thoughts caustic with acetone and ammonia,

I feel you so close to me.

The sea salt of your sadness covers your black skin; somehow,

there’s a part of night in it, not well concealed, scarcely hidden from view.

You appear entwined around your own melancholy, satin.

Your clothes are clammy with an aversion that keeps us at a distance,

that drives us away.

You always speak low, in a soft voice; you pretty much had us fooled.

You tell us to bug off, let you be, as you lean against the trees

in the background.

I really believed you. A malcontent. A bundle of resentments.

An oracle of fiction.

“Poetry? Ah, silly things, kid stuff. My father? Love him madly.

Hate him badly.”

Satin, these gypsies in their luxury tour buses, the Gypsy Kings they

call themselves, dispense words of wisdom:

they say,


“Tell me,”

(they say):


“tellmetellmetellme” –

and yes, they tell: they tell about love, steamy flesh, intertwined bodies,

things beyond doubt, Nnarrcissuss pretzeled in a self-embrace

that does him in.


Satin, your feet smell of plush – a huge blue elephant stuffed with synthetic


an acrylic totem reeking of garlic sausages

and thick bandy-leg goulash,

sort of naive pleading in favor of the real McCoy, the real Mackay,

the real McKie.


I know this might sound rather arrogant, but I felt – no, not an impression,

not a sensation, not something I believe –

I really have the “feeling”,

a marshy, cemented, buttoned-up sentiment, a flabbergasted

conviction of mine


that I walk like a shadow on the sole of your foot, satin,

little red shoe,


clock tick,

nanosecond that you are.

Thing, near nothing –

that is to say,

and now I’m serious –


I’m serious.


This frightens me. As if it were the footprint

of greenery, of summer leaves. It’s

the sole of a green devil. Green satin, that’s what it is.

It’s mild intolerance, a sudden beating and sodden beatitude

in a single heartbeat.

As if you sang to the deaf and they heard, that’s how beautiful it is,

in contemplation.


About the doves on concrete parapets, as if they could be

your own wings, or illusions, disillusionments.

Gray, filthy, high-collared, resistant; satin,

clearly immaterial, it’s not possible you could fall.


Satin, I ask you, with shame and fear, is the sole of your foot

pink? Coral? Blush? Satin,

the soles of your feet


be pink; this frailty inspires me, a Bucharest

tumbling into the void above my town, so delicate is

that sole,



Romance, Shelley, Byron, Eminescu, and later on,

Apollinaire, Ovidiu, the Holy Apostles, Nichita,

pas de 8,

de 16, showoffs, cult objects, thingamajigs,

effigies; or


thorns, thistles, warm dung,

cold, new, old, riddled with many-legged bugs,


this word – oh delicate acacia flower –

soothes me.

I don’t really know why; it clings to my tongue, tingles my taste,

texture of pure




you’re infinitely small,

so petite

and so beautiful,

endlessly beautiful;

little red satin shoe,

miniature devil whose shadow is as green as a walnut tree’s        leaves…




The End of the Road, the Beginning of the Journey



Without knowing the bounds, he lives beyond them.

Great green oceans of leaves blanket the sky, the earth is

a blue expanse. The wind is overpowering

in its verticality.

Where is the fir forest floating? Into what valleys does it subside?

In which lagoon of the sky will it run aground?

Schools of whalers navigate the sky. Or is it he who crosses the sky,

flies high over the ocean?

Where does the sailing ship end, where does the road begin?

Where is the end of the road, the beginning of the journey?


Not knowing any bounds, he seems boundless himself.

In the sky, without end, the blue whale, blue-winged,

hunts schools of whalers.

In the sky, or in the ocean of fir trees. The forest moves onward,

or the whirlwinds blow away the sky of leaves.



Poems by Radu Andriescu translated by Adam J. Sorkin with the author






1.     Sīnge grecesc

2.     Povestea ei amīnată

3.     Nopţile de la Panciu

4.     Satin

5.     Sfīrşitul drumului, īnceputul călătoriei




Sīnge grecesc


Burs credea că are sīnge grecesc īn vine şi astfel

īntreg pămīntul era un pescador şi īntreg cerul o

sticlă de rom

şi noaptea era o noapte elenă călduroasă prin care poţi trece

īn cămaşă

Burs trecea īn cămaşă pe străzile Iaşului cīnd gerul

era īn toi

īntr­o noapte cīnd muzica se pierdea imprecis īntre cele

două camere nedecomandate ale hogeagului

cīnd mă īmprieteneam cu un cīine vicios şi mic

cu blana pe jumătate năpīrlită

chiar urīt

Burs a spart chiuveta gazdei cu o sticlă goală de votcă


sticla trebuia să se spargă sticla ca la greci

sīngele grecesc i s­a scurs din trup pe scările stricate din lemn

gege potaia l­a mirosit l­a lins

afară era un īngheţ pe cinste şi mult mai tīrziu

a aflat

că numai prin alianţă īnţelegeţi numai prin alianţă

oricum viaţa lui scurtă de grec

a fost frumoasă





Povestea ei amīnată


īn Cartier s­a născut o vietate

mică albă un dulce buric

īntr­un Bloc la un Etaj īntr­o Cameră

a īnceput să locuiască

de mică spăla şerpi cu şampon

spărgea pahare de plictiseală


golanii din Cartier adorau vietatea

mascota din spumă

īntr­un covor o aruncau spre Cer

Cerul era aproape de Bloc, de Garaj şi de Parcare


Blocul avea un Administrator dar cui īi păsa


jos de tot era Boxa şi īntunericul

afară era Tufişul şi Colţul

pretutindeni erau Vecinul şi Vecina



familia balaure n­a avut niciodată geam la Cameră

dar nici Cerul n­are geam


alături mai locuia un Securist la servici avea o Piscină

păzită de un Soldat īn Parcare o Maşină


īncet īncet s­a īnfiripat o poveste

despre care nu vom auzi aici

pentru că orele s­au strīns peste Cartier

şi e mare īnghesuială








Nopţile de la Panciu


La o fermă din Panciu am urcat o curcă

pe acoperişul cantinei

am privit amīndoi īn jur era fantastic rīdeam

gīlgīia puţin speriată

era o curcă albă


Din sală se auzeau voci cīntece şi īnjurături

dormitoarele lungi musteau de linişte

de jur īmprejur numai struguri strīngeam curca la piept

era speriată

era ca o carte pe care o deschizi pentru prima oară


Am dus­o īn cameră am pus­o pe masă īn faţa cīntăreţilor

gesturile timide erau mai graţioase decīt

ale unei balerine

īn costumul ei cel mai alb

am dus­o īn dormitor am aprins luminile am īnghiţit protestele

era mai albă decīt aşternuturile

văzusem lumea īmpreună de pe acoperişul cantinei






... se tot ţin cīinii după mine, īn ultima vreme;

ca necazurile, ca norii, ca umbra; ca noaptea.

Un roi īntreg de cīini. Nu muşcă, doar īşi dezvelesc dinţii.

Sar din sertar, īşi arată ochiul īntr­un colţ de luminofor.

Roiuri īntregi. Cīnd mai rod un tricou pus pe sfoară la uscat, sau

vreun şlap furat de pe hol, mai că mă bucur; mai

că­mi vine să­i pup pe trufă: mă ajută să scap

de şerpăraia asta de lucruri,

carapacea ţestoasă

sub care ne fierbe creierul,

bucătăria asta fără ferestre, becul de pe

vīrful limbii,

şoarecii dintre degete:

cum să pricepi tu toate astea, satin?


Satin, numele tău ne arde pielea; sau pieile,

cozile, ghieruţele. Roşul

tău ne īmpīnzeşte visele, dar mai mult

secundele, ele

primele. E ca dreptul de copy sau copyright,

e aproape ca un nume de origine,

te urmăreşte īn cele mai neaşteptate



Satin, poţi zăcea pe balustradă, cu capul căzut īntre

umeri, cu tone de noapte pe gīnduri,

cu genunchii lipiţi,

şi spune cīt vrei „get lost!“, adică valea:

ziua de mīine tot

un fel de noapte spoită cu auriu va fi.


Ca orice tīrg din lumea asta, şi Iaşul are cīteva

locuri obligatorii: o primărie, o gară, chiar trei,

o poliţie, un centru, nenumărate margini, un

McDonald, bănci, oficii poştale, cartiere,

rīuri şi pīraie, spitale, plus,

īn plus faţă de toate,

sau aşa vreau să cred, pe tine, satin,

cu speranţa pusă la zid, dar cu atīt

mai vie.

(Uitam, un cimitir foarte mare, şi īncă vreo două, teancuri de pietre şi copaci, evident cīini, mulţi popi, o grămadă de cerşetori. Ştergători de parbrize şi mulţi, foarte mulţi posibili fotbalişti).


Sīnt locuri īn tīrg care seamănă cu Valea Īmpăraţilor:

dar cu monumente de tinichea şi teracotă, acoperişe ţuguiate

(dacă le priveşti de unde trebuie)

ca şi cum luna le­ar suge īn vintrele ei de praf şi lumină.

Iar deşertul cubic al oricărei aşezări omeneşti pulsează

cu stinghereală, vină, cerere de iertare

că este. Muşuroaiele oamenilor

sīnt greu de descifrat.


Satin, era o vreme cīnd īmi īnchipuiam viaţa ca o plutire.

Era fericire prematură.

Ziceam că timpul e un fel de derdeluş

care­ţi umple nădragii de zăpadă şi sufletul de căldură.

Se pare că mulţi şi­au imaginat

aproape aceleaşi lucruri, satin. Cīnd mă trezeam,

eram numai cerneală pe la gură,


ca puştiul care se tot gīndeşte, īşi īnchipuie

şi, pierdut printre rīnduri, moşmoleşte stiloul chinezesc

pīnă­i plesneşte peniţa.


Ştii, satin, povestea asta nu­şi caută un sfīrşit. Poate eu,

din slăbiciune, īncerc să­i găsesc unul, dar

n­are nevoie de sfīrşit. Nici punct, nici semn de īntrebare

la capăt. Dar dacă ar fi să o rotunjesc,

chiar aşa colţuroasă cum e ea, aş rămīne la

blocul din anii `50 care se vede pe fereastră.

Pe unul din colţuri

e un burlan. Vechi şi el, aproape negru. Iar de burlan, unul din

locatari a agăţat o antenă. Veche şi ea,

aproape neagră.

Ce să īnsemne asta, pantofior de satin?


Satin, aproape că pot mirosi acetona şi amoniacul gīndurilor tale,

aşa de aproape te simt.

Ai pielea neagră şi plină de sarea tristeţii;

cumva e şi o parte de noapte, nu prea bine ascunsă, aproape la vedere.

Eşti un covrig de durere, satin.

Hainele ţi se lipesc de greaţa asta care mă dă de­o parte, ne alungă.

Vorbeşti tot timpul molcom, aproape că m­ai păcălit.

Zici s­o ştergem cu toţii, să te lăsăm īn pace, sprijinită de copacii de departe.

Chiar te­am crezut. Un ghem de nemulţumire.

Un oracol al prozei.

„Poezia? chestie pentru puşti. Tatăl? Īl iubesc la nebunie şi īl urăsc.“

Satin, ţiganii ăştia īn rulote de lux, Regii ţiganilor, cum

īşi spun, au vorbe īnţelepte:

zic ei:



(zic ei):


„spune­mi­spune­mi­spune­mi“ –

şi spun, spun de dragoste, de cărnuri fierbinţi, de īmpletituri,

de făr­de­tăgadă, de NNarrciss īmpleticit īntr­o strīnsoare de sine

care­l sfīrşeşte.


Satin, picioarele tale miros a pluş, elefant uriaş, albastru, de puf sintetic,

totemul acela acrilic īn care se prinde mirosul de mici,

gulaşul cu picioare strīmbe şi groase,

pledoaria cam naivă pentru adevăratul McCoy, Mackay, McKie.


Ştiu că sīnt īngīmfat, dar am sentimentul – nu impresia,

nu senzaţia, nu că aşa aş crede, chiar am,

chiar am „sentimentul“,

băltit, īncimentat, prins la nasture, īncremeneala asta de convingere –


că am călcat pe talpa ta, satin,

pantofior roşu,






serios acum,




Asta mă sperie. E călcătură ca de verdeaţă, de frunză. E

talpă de drac verde. E satin verde, asta e.

E intoleranţă molcomă, bătătură şi īmbătare laolaltă.

E ca şi cum ai cīnta surzilor, atīt de frumos e,

īn proiect.


Despre guguştiucii de pe ţuguiele de beton, ca despre

propriile aripi, sau iluzii, sau deziluzii.

Cenuşii, murdari, guleraţi, rezistenţi; satin,

vădit imaterială, tu nu ai cum cădea.


Satin, cu ruşine şi frică īntreb, talpa ta

e roz? rozalie? Satin,

talpa ta


să fie roz, frăgezimea asta mă trezeşte, un Bucureşti care

cade īn gol, peste tīrg, aşa de subţire e

talpa ta,



Romanţ, Shelley, Byron, Eminescu, tīrziu,

Apollinaire, Ovidiu, Sfinţii Apostoli, Nichita,

paşi de 8,

de 16, figuri, obiecte­cult, chestii,



sau spini, ciulini, bălegar cald,

rece, nou, vechi, ciuruit de gīngănii cu multe lăbuţe,


cuvīntul ăsta, floare nesigură de salcīm,

mă linişteşte,

nu prea ştiu de ce, e pe limbă, e gust, e dulceaţă fină.



eşti mică,

infinit de mică

şi aşa de frumoasă,

nesfīrşit de frumoasă;

pantofior roşu de satin,

drăcuşor cu umbră verde ca frunza de nuc ...





Sfīrşitul drumului, īnceputul călătoriei


Fără să fi cunoscut marginile, trăieşte dincolo de ele.

Oceane verzi de frunze acoperă cerul, pămīntul e

o­ntindere albastră. Vīntul e copleşitor

prin verticalitate.

Īncotro pluteşte pădurea de brazi? Spre care văi cade?

Īn care lagună a cerului eşuează?

Cīrduri de baleniere trec pe cer. Sau el trece pe cer, peste ocean?

Unde se termină corabia, şi unde īncepe drumul?

Unde sfīrşeşte drumul, să īnceapă călătoria?


Necunoscīnd marginile, pare el īnsuşi nemărginit.

Pe cer, nesfīrşită, balena albastră, īnaripată, vīnează cīrduri de baleniere.

Pe cer, sau īn oceanul de brazi. Pădurea īnaintează, sau

vīrtejurile īndepărtează cerurile de frunze.


      Poezii de Radu Andriescu



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