The Bucureşti Experiment
interview with Tom Wilson by Paul Doru Mugur

How would you define reality? Is there a way to define reality? As
a filmaker, as somebody interested in politics and also the social
aspects of life how would you define reality? It is a question
that will come back several times, I am sure...
think because I have always been very politically minded I always
see reality through an ideological lens. I don`t believe you can
see the world in a non-ideological way. I think that people,
humans are animals of culture not of nature. And so there is no
ideological free way of seeing people. Everything that we have,
everything that we do and everything from the way we see the world
to our dreams, our fantaisies, our escapisms are all colored by
the ideologies. I think it is impossible to escape that. The only
thing that you can do is to highlight the fact that this exists
and to remind people constantly about this. I think this is an
important thing to be reminded because a lot of things that we
believe are writen in stone about humans and about our political
systems, that we believe that are objective truths are in fact
subjective truths influencedby the ideological systems that we
live in. So in a way when we look at people talking about the
limits of government or what governments can do or the limits of
how we can improve the world, how close we can get to an ideal
situation, a lot of things that we believe that are set in stone
are actually there because we live in a capitalist liberal meal,
liberal consummerist world so we became very skeptical about
things like utopia, about the government making a lot of people
better and getting involved in society and we are kind of
frightened of that and then we have a kind of laissez faire
attitude towards economics. I think this shows that the truth is a
construct. In a film, I construct a fake world and I am making it
credible. When you find out this is not true, it is quiet an
unpleasant thing and you feel cheated, you feel you have been lied
to. Which is what happens everyday in our lives when we have a
certain view of the world, a certain view of the way that we
should act as humans and the way that we should interact with one
other. But this view is partial. There are a lot of way of living
and I think it is up to us to decide whether there are better ways
of living, better ways of organzing ourselves as a society...I
think that obviously there are.
When you think about the relationship between the individual
reality and the consensual social reality do you think that the
environment, the culture in which people live are molding their
reality? For example, under communism in Romania, especially under
Ceauşescu there was a split between the consensual reality shown
on the TV, „Cântarea României”, etc and on the other side the
private reality of each individual. These were schizophrenic times
when the communist system was imprinting its fake reality upon the
human beings like in Kafka`s „Penal Colony” and people were
struggling to remain sane. In communism this split was crystal
clear. Now in the capitalist times in which also Romania lives
today when you look on the TV and you see all these shows, all
this advertisments also there is this split between the individual
reality and the consensual reality that the media is imposing.

think though in a way it was easier under communism to keep your
subjective view of the world going because there was a difference
between the public faith and what people said at home and the way
that people behave and I think that what is very pernicious about
advanced capitalism is that there isn`t this split anymore because
people no longer believe there is an alternative, most people
believe that capitalism is the only game in town, is this Fukuyama
type of idea about the end of history, that all the political
systems have been tried and failed all that we can do is tinker
with capitalism which I think is wrong. I think the crisis of
capitalism that we are seeing now shows just how ill fit
capitalism is to our current situation. It is harder and harder
for people today to have private dreams and private views of the
world and private ideologies because there are so few people that
actually believe in utopian projects, social democracies,
sindicalism,anarchism, safe socialism, fascism whatever your
belief system is, however you believe the world may be made
better, feminism or whatever reaction to capitalism you have. I
think it is harder to sustain any of these alternatives now
because people lost their optimism about changing things. This is
because capitalism has this very pernicious image, its ideology is
so powerful that it removes the public/ private distance. Now even
our dreams, even our fantaisies, even our most private moments for
example our love lives are infested by consummerism. Our love is
meant to be a shelter from the depressive world outside, it is the
most intimate space that we retreat into but capitalism or late
consumerism has transformed the nature of love into transactions,
power relationships, tit for tat, what can you give me, are you
going to improve my situation, whether is about status or
sexuality or looks. Things were not meant to be like this; love
was supposed to be based on an emotional and spiritual connection.
As capitalism becomes more sofisticated it invades these private
spheres and there is no corner of our lives that is not
transformed by the capitalism impulse which is all about self
interest. Marx always talks about the way capitalism expands its
ideology that can`t be stopped. Once the genie is out of the
bottle it expands geographically and it has to keep reinventing
itself and define new spaces to conquer. I am talking almost like
an orhodox marxist but I am not an orthodox anything. I think
these critiques are very important in order to see the world that
we are living in for what is. It is a contingent world.
How can we resist the enchantment of the capitalism, of the
consumer world and have a more direct acces to the real? And which
is the most direct acces to the real? Philosophy, science,
religion, art, mysticism?
lot of writers have written about the way that any movement to
escape consummerism (I would use the term consummerism rather than
capitalism), any way of opposing consummerism is immediately
sucked in into the sytem, used, and repackaged and resold. If you
look at a very simple example, the jackets that the miners wore
during the 1984’ miners strike` in England are now very very
fashionable. They are called donkey jackets so what used to be a
sign of rebelion was turned into a consummerism thing, has become
now the latest fashion. This idea of taking the sting out of
rebellion and making it into just style, removing the substance
and making it style is what consummerism does all the time, you
almost have to perpetually reinvent a new mode of rebelion because
as soon as it appears it becomes sterile. Nowadays images of the
68` protesters and situationist slogans are used in advertising.
Advertising is extremely powerful in the sense that as soon as
something new apppears that looks slightly transgressive it is
immediately used by the system. It is very difficult to be
transgressive nowadays because as soon asthe system finds a symbol
or a transgressive idea it immediately appropriates it, the
appropriation of transgression. It is very worrying how art and
aesthetic have become the most powerful pros of consummerism. We
like to think that art and artistic pursuits through film and
drama and music and fashion, all these things create a kind of
spiritual, transcendental connection to something greater than
capitallism and consummerism but in fact they are alos products.
We have lots and lots of very talented idealistic young people and
like me, they they want to write screenplays, they want to make
animation films, they want to become fashion designers. This
potential body of intelligent, educated, idealistic people that
under a different system mind would be a threat to social
stability, they are in fact cyphered off and redirected into the
aesthetics of consummerism. Really, when I think about, tell me
who needs a new film, a new novel, there are so many great films
and great novels in this world, I will never have time to see all
the films I want to see, I will never read all the novels I want
to read!!! Our culture is becoming an industry, it is simply a
safety valve for consummerism, it takes a potentially dangerous
element for society somebody like me for example and it
neutralizes them. Artists looks are transgressive, you look at
young artists living in Williamsburg and living in Hacken in
London which is the Williamsburg of London and people dress in
certain ways, like to believe in a non-consummerist way but in
fact all they are is a different brand of consummerists. You see
this very clearly in things like the new fashionable signifiers,
drinking draught beer rather than manufactered beer, riding a
bycycle rather than a car, wearing second hand cloths rather than
buying new cloths, it is just a different kind of consummerism and
I think my generation has been tricked into believing we are
genuinely transgressive and we are not. I would like to believe
that being a filmaker is transgressive but it is not. If you want
to be radical you should be part of Occupy Movement. There are so
many things we can do but it is difficult and it is not seen in a
positive way by people my age, which is unfortunate, people they
would rather be working on films than trying to change the quality
of wealth in the West which is far more important. As an artist or
as someone that aspires to create things I really have a slight
feeling of guilt knowing that what I am doing is not the most
useful thing to be doing right now.
The guilt that you are feeding the system.
Yes, I am just a producer of products which is sad.
Another way to oppose this cultural consummerism may be by getting
closer to nature, nature is another force. I was thinking about
all those succesful young Russians that moved to these vilages in
Siberia. What do you think about this type of alternative? Trying
to live without TV, without internet, cell phones, etc.? Do you
think that this is another way of escapism or it may be a solution
for certain individuals?
Certainly, for some individuals it may be a solution, I am not
sure I could do it myself. I don`t want to be prescriptive either
it is not for me to tell people how to live their lives, anyone
that is searching for alternatives is wonderful, consummerism just
levels out, we all live the same lives now, we all spend our time
in front of the computer, our lives are basically the same, my
life is basically the same as your life and your life is the same
as the life of someone working in a bank. We just do slightly
different things with our times so this idea that our life styles
have been leveled so people should go back to nature is great, I
am all for it but I do think there is a slight problem with the
Green Leftist movement because we idealize community and
pre-industrial society in a way that isn`t actually true. I think
that a lot of people look back at these utopian pre-industrial
projects and say let`s back there but if you look closer at what
life was before the industrial revolution you will change your
mind. It was pretty horrendous back there, life expectancy was
very low, infant mortality was very high. I think because we are
very disillusioned with pharmaceutical companies and oil companies
and multinational corporations we forget the great things that
industrialization has brought and I may sound like an orthodox
marxist again when I say this, but I think it is really important
what Marx said, Marx loved industrialization, he thought the
industrial revolution was wonderful, he thought that capitalism
and the transition from a merchantile society to a free market
society was great and this is what is great about marxism as a
philosophy it is not retrogressive it is very progressive it does
not say let`s go back to the past no, it says capitalism has
brought the potential for a leisure society this is the advantage
of capitalism you don`t have to spend all day ploughing the field
because you have industrialization, mechanization and it should
allow us free time. At the same time, I think that retreating to
our roots and reconnecting with nature is really really important,
my brother does that, my brother is a rice farmer in Japan, at
harvest time they work with their hands, the way they have done in
Asia for thousands and thousands of years and you get a real sense
of conection to the land and all these other wonderful things the
Green movement tells you about. As a social organization of our
society I feel it would be a step back and we should take the good
bits of industrialization, and the good bits of technological
revolution and use them. We need to sort out, of course, a lot of
things like distribution and giving people meaningful jobs. I
think this is the problem: in modern society we can provide for
all, the problem is that we see economics as a morality play, we
believe we should distribute just based on somebody`s merit, and
somebody`s merit comes from his status in the free market. We
believe this is a signifier how hard you work so if you are poor
you should be punished to be poor because you did not work hard
enough, you must work even harder, that`s the logic, this is why
society becomes more and more uneven, so yes I think that somehow
take the good bits of the industrial economy and move on and faces
the challenges of inequality and distribution deciding which is
the best distribution. I don`t have the answers, I don`t know how
equal I would want a society to be, but we have to take steps in
that direction because for the moment we are going in the
completely opposite direction. I also think the realy big question
the Green movement poses is the dilemma of constant growth neither
Left nor Right thought about this, nobody regards it as a failure.
It is obvious that continuous economic growth is no longer
possible, we came out against our resources frontier and whether
it is CO2 in the outer atmosphere, whether it is water table or
whether there are minerals there is a shortahe somewhere. Today
there is a shortsighteness in believing the big problem we are
facing is Global Warming. If it wasn`t the Global Warming it would
have been the next big frontier which would probably be fresh
water, the problem it is not Global Warming, it is the method of
economic organization proposed by both Left and Right which says
that constant economic growth is both possible and desirable and
it is not. I think that the return to the Earth movement or the
Green agrarian movements are great because they say we have to
think of other ways to conceive economic systems that do not
involve constant growth, do not involve devices that are faster
than we can use them.
PDM: Coming back to what you do as a visual artist; you conceived
„The Bucureşti Experiment” as a combination between a documentary, a
reality show and also a fiction movie so you did this type of
hybrid in order to maybe better capture reality and also to maybe
been able to ask the right questions. Which is the best medium to
capture reality: feature movie, documentary, reality show? Do you
believe we can get closer to reality by suing the realist style or
the style does not matter?
don`t think there are such a thing as approaching reality, I think
that our idea that we can approach reality is wrong because
reality is beyond our grasp, we see things through our subjective
prison.The idea that there is some kind of objective way of seeing
the world is wrong. I think it is dangerous to pretend that there
is a unique objective way to see the world. This is what
totalitarian or essentialist regimes, whether political or
religious, say: our way is the only way to see the world and if
you don`t believe in it you are wrong.
Reality is a concept that you are building yourself.
Yes, exactly. I don`t think that any particular way of filmmaking
brings you closer to reality, I think it depends how you use this
medium. A great work of fiction tells us great things about what
it means to be alive, what it means to be human, and a great novel
completely made up inside someone`s head will tell you more about
reality than something that is suppositely objective. I feel that
documentaries are equaly fictionalized. Everybody is trying to
make a documentary but when you sit in the editing room, when you
start cutting your movie or even before that, when you start
selecting the angle or where to place the camera or what shot to
take you are already manipulating reality. Everything in filmaking
is about manipulating reality, simply deciding what light to use
is manipulating reality. I don`t think documentaries are objective
at all, all documentaries, even fly on the wall documentaries,
aren`t objective. Campaigning documentaries of the type selected
at Sundance are great, we need more films like that inform people
about what is going on in the world. On the other hand the
philosophical belief that a realistic style brings you closer to
the truth is wrong. I think that as a film maker you have to be
aware from the start that you are building up a construct and this
construct isn`t reality, is just another way of seeing the world.
That`s what the film does, it builds up a reality and at the end
it says you have been lied to and this is why a lot of people walk
out of the film with quiet an unplesant feeling because they have
been taken for a ride for the past hour and when they realize that
it is not pleasant at all. I hope that feeling of anger gets
transfered to the real things so your anger kind of switches over
and you get angry about things from the real world like the
reality of corruption and the way people are manipulated and the
way that we are never told the real history of communism, of the
Revolution or what happened after the Revolution in Romania.
PDM: Your movie „The Bucureşti Experiment” is also about asking
questions. At the beginning the question is: what made the
capitalistic transformation possible in Romania and your give us a
tongue in the cheek answer but then at the end you present very
briefly the Piteşti Experiment and you say: guys, wake up, the
first question is not the right one. The real question is: how was
Piteşti Experiment possible? In order to get to the question of
what happened at the Revolution just ask yourself what happened
before that, what happened with the Piteşti Experiment.
Exactly. I totally agree. I am saying you cannot understand
anything about Romania today if you don`t look at how Romania was
before the Revolution because the sad thing is that it is the same
clique of individuals back then are also now in power. I also feel
in a way the film is about the impossibility of telling the story
of the Piteşti Experiment. I have been talking to a girl after the
Leeds film festival and she has been studying film after the
Rwanda conflict and she was saying it is impossible to make a
movie about Rwanda because you are falling in the same cliches:
africans being murdered, victims that as soon as they appear on
the screen become just other victims that you have seen of a
genocide, you pigeon hole people immediately and it is hard to
convey the real horror of what happened knowing that this is
happening to other people very far away. Because we have so many
preconceptions about Africa, about the african genocide which is
always something happening to people in another country, very
different from us. It is hard to not see through this
post-colonial eyes and I feel quiet the same way about the Piteşti
Experiment. What happened was so horrendous so even if you sit
through hundreds and hundreds of hours of interviews with the
survivors you can never get to the core of what happened. It is
beyond us. It is so horrific that we can not imagine it happening
to us, of course we can sympathize, but we can not really
empathize because we never had something similar happening to us.
We can not even conceptualize what happened properly because
things like this almost damage our ability to conceptualize so I
think that the film is almost about not being able to make a film
about the Piteşti Experiment. I was trying to find another way to
tell a story and I think this is why there are so many threads
going at the same time in the film, there is a love story there,
there is another story about the music, there is a story about the
psychological changes of the Revolution. It is not as tidy as a
narrative as I would have liked it, I think that ideally the
narrative should have been tidier. As a director I felt I can not
tell the story I wanted to tell, I have been struggling and I
failed but I think all movies, all works of art are essentially a
failure because you can never capture what you want to capture
what matters is how you try to get that matters and I tried to get
that. I like to think I failed to get that and I failed in an
interesting way.
Do you think that Romanians as spectators are more gullible than
other spectators and that your movie can create some type of Cargo
movement in Romania because your conspiracy theory is so close to
reality that it may create a reality by itself and people are
going to look for the music of Carmen Anton or the devices
invented by Iustin Capră?
This is interesting because Romanians definitively aren`t more
gullible than anyone else. Romanians are very, very smart and
media savvy consummers even more so than in Britain I think
although it is hard to say. Romanians have such great access to
the internet because they had such an enthusiasm for things like
Western culture and information after the revolution because they
could not get it before. Yes, it easy to be mistified. In fact
Carmen Anton really exists and also her music. Did you know that?
Did you know that she was actually a singer?
I didn`t know that before seeing your movie and then searching on
the internet for her and checking the facts. In your movie you mix
reality and fiction in an extremely credible way and only when you
showed your cards at the end I realize that I was tricked. People
hearing about Iustin Capră and his experiments with vibrations
modifing the human mind and behavior tend to be more skeptical
because it sounds like science fiction but the scenario that you
propose is not impossible. A mind changing device that uses
vibrations and sounds is not yet available, but who knows, it may
be build someday.
am interested in conspiracy theories in general, I think they are
fascinating not because I believe in them but because they tell us
a lot about people. What is interesting about Iustin Capră is that
he really is on the frontier of esoteric science. When I went to
interview him for the first time, he told me about an experiment
of making an iron bar levitate using sound waves. A real
experiment. Conspiracy theories are amazing because when you think
about them there are so many things in life that we take for
granted and it is not possible to verify every single truth. Let`s
take something very basic like the idea that the sun is a ball of
nuclear reactions. Just veryfing this scientific claim
independently it would mean devoting years of your life to the
process. We believe that the sun is a nuclear explosion in the sky
because science has told us that. Most of our information about
the world comes from second hand sources and this means that we
are very easy to be manipulated. It is very easy for someone to
come along and say that nuclear explosion in the sky is in fact a
chariot of fire being pulled by winged horses across the heavens.
In fact it is quiet hard to dismiss something like that.
Conspiracy theories play on the idea that for us it is very hard
to verify the truth for anything and the truth is always beyond
our grasp. The other reason I like conspiracy theories is because
they are indicative of society`s dreams and apirations. When you
don`t have an ideology to believe in like Communism or Socialism
or Anarchism, when you don`t have a system and you start inventing
other things, you have to find other ways to explain the
disastrous situation of the world you live in and then you say
that the world is controlled by jews or the world is controlled by
the Illuminati. Conspiracy theory are almost like the ideology of
people that are looking for something better that want to believe
that life can be better than it is. The heart of it is politics.
Politics is about saying that we can make life better than it is
and saying that there are things that we can change and we need to
change and there are basic things like give women the rights to
vote and revolutionary things like a world without exploitation.
So getting to the heart of it, conspiracy theories even if they
sound wacky and crazy are just about people struggling to find
something to believe in. They spend their time saying life can be
better and things like that our pineal gland have been fluorified
by the fluorine in the water and this prevents us from having
transcendental experiences, life could be so much better and we
could live now in Utopia if Illuminati would not put fluorine in
our water. To me this is fascinating. For a lot of people,
conspiracy theories are just about finding a way out from the mess
they live in.
You can also look at conspiracy theories as a basic need to know
reality. Know the reality behind, discover the matrix. It is in
the human nature to search for the truth and to ask themselves
whether there exists a more profound truth than what is seen. In
Romania after 1989 there have been all these discussions about
what really happened at the Revolution, who shot the people after
Ceauşescu’s flight. This is an open wound of questions and never
ending speculations. Do you think it is important to know this? I
was there during the Revolution and I have my own opinion about
this. To me this question is very important but do you think is
even possible to find out what happened then?
don`t know if it is possible to find out the truth but I really
think it is important to struggle and try to find it. I think we
need to have that anger present to find the truth. The only people
who are going to benefit from our apathy are the people who took
power. I think we need a constant reminder to people in power that
we are searching for the truth. I am going back to England and I
see the British society that has been hugely unequal for hundreds
of years. People accept this great imballance because they look at
families that have been in politics for generations and they have
the seal of approval. It almost looks like: this is the way the
things should be because this is the way things have always been.
Capitalism allows an elite to take control, to have a privileged
position and to use that privileged position to seek more power,
it`s Edmund Burke „Power begets more power”. In Romania all this
is very new and because here everything happened relatively
recently we still have a sense of righteous anger about what
happened which I think it is really important. I think in Western
economies people have forgotten and the imbalance of power has
become accepted and has become part of how the things are. It
became something like: we have always been ruled by people better
than us, by people more educated than us, by people with more
power than us . We have been through a lot of changes in British
history that led to the accumulaton of power building up the power
structures that we have today. This is why I am quiet optimistic
in a way about Romania because people in Romania still have the
impression that things should be different, the way things are now
is not right. In the West because consummerism has been there for
so long and we had an advanced capitalist society for hundreds of
years, (capitalism really settled down in England in the 1830`s),
we no longer have this feeling of righteous anger in England and
the idea we can change the power structures has become radically
utopian. Nobody in Britain believes anymore that we can change big
things. People in Romania still have this idea because you have
lived through a revolution when big changes happen overnight.
Sometimes I am more optimistic about Romania`s future than the
British future. Look at the protest of hydraulic fracturing in
Pungeşti. The majority of the protesters were educated people.
There were similar protests in England but there we have the
feeling that someone else would do it for you because there are so
many protest groups. In England people say I am not going to
protest about Shell gas because someone else is going to do it for
me and everybody thinks like that In Romania there is still the
idea that people can change things. And we saw that at Roşia
Montana people going out into the streets, even older people,
people with families. In Britain people don`t do that anymore.
People don`t protest in England because they are scared that
police will box you in. You can stay there for twelve hours and be
freed but there are horrendous stories of protesters with diabetes
that were collapsing because they were not allowed out, people
left without water, people not allowed to go to the toilet. Even
if Romanians are alwyas complaing about the lack of civil society
and the lack of political engagement I am more optimistic about
Romania than I am about England in a way.
Besides being for you an artistic tool is filmaking also for you a
philosophical tool, a medium through which you can ask questions,
a form of dialogue similar to Socrate`s method in ancient Greece?
think that generally I have been always more interested in ideas
and the interplay of ideas than in anything else. I also think
about literature and there is a difference between essay novels
and novel novels. An essay novel is a novel where you are less
concerned about the characters and emotions and more concerned
about the interplay of ideas so the novel must be a vehicle for
saying things you can not say otherways. I think I am slightly
more inclined towards that. When I see a film I am more interested
in what it has to say, in the ideas that come across than
sympathizing with the characters or getting emotionally involved.
Of course I can not say that basic characters and emotion
development are not important for a film and the changes that
characters go through. I don`t think you have to choose between
the two. A film without some kind of dialogue of ideas behind it
is already a film that is weakened just as a film that does not
have characters with whom you can sympathize with and relate to
and does not have emotional depth is equally weak. I think
filmaking and art in general is about finding that golden balance
so I think you can do both.
I read on the internet that both movies you did were done with
very low budget. Do you think that after „The
Bucureşti Experiment”
you can get some support from the Romanian institutions so you can
move on and develop larger projects?
hope so. I would love to have a big budget. On the other hand I
don`t know what is going to happen in the next few years but right
now I am thinking about my next film and I would really like to do
exactly the same thing I did with “The
Bucureşti Experiment”: do a movie with
low budget and use non-professional actors. I still feel like an
outsider in the film world and I think this is a good thing. I
think it is nice to be on the outsider and do things your way. I
would like to be in a position where you can take risks and I
think the more money you get and the bigger your budget is the
less risks you can take. This is a problem with filmmakers and I
spoke with other directors. The bigger the budget they get the
more they say “I wish I could make a lower budget film” and so
we`ll see. I would love to have some money to be able to play
with. For the time being is just me and the camera and going out
and being the best that you can with the limited resources you
have. One of the things I really enjoy about film is working with
non-professional actors which is something I really hope to carry
on in the future. I feel that ordinary people have so much to say.
Everybody has great stories and everybody has lived through so
much. You just have to tap into it, you just have to find the
right way getting the stories out of them like I was able to do
with Carmen in the film. Carmen has never ever acted before. If
there is one thing that I would like to happen because of ”The
Bucureşti Experiment” is for Carmen to be able to do some more
acting because she was just amazing, really amazing. Coming back
to the low budget question, the interesting thing about digital
technology is that digital technology removes the barrier between
the artist and the capital, now you can make a film without having
financial support and this is for me revolutionary. As soon as you
have that connection to capital you become ideologically connected
which is something you don`t want.
How was your movie received by the public and the media in
Romania? Were people offended by your use of this lateral approach
to construct reality?
The response was really, really positive. On the other hand it
definitively divided audiences. There were some people that
thought this is an unacceptable way of approaching this subject
and some people were quiet offended by the way I chose to tell the
story and the combination between truth and fiction and they were
repulsed by this aspect. I also got some very positive feedback.
For me this is great, dividing your audience is brilliant. The
worse thing you want is make a film that leaves people
indifferent. You just have to try to satisfy the right people and
try to piss off the right people at the same time.