

by Robert Greene 


Human beings are the opposite of butterflies.  We turn into caterpillars.



Mankind is an endangering species.



Things have no deeper meanings.



The secret of life?  Life is a treadmill.



I'm confused therefore I am.



In greed we trust.



We've gone through the me generation; we're now into the me century.



There are those who are proud of their humility.



The purpose of life is life.



What kind of god would care how you worshiped him, or even whether you did?



People not only don't mention that the emperor has no clothes, they've convinced themselves that it's not the case, and what's more think it high fashion.



The good word "gay" has been sequestered.   It can no longer be used to  mean lighthearted. We should worry about words the way we worry about endangered species.



In the end, fashion is the enemy of art.



The grass is often greener on the other side of the street because it's been painted.



Aphorisms always exaggerate.



Our world is like a dog chasing its tail, the crazy calling the crazy crazy.



They say that time is money, but you can make money.  You can't make time.



It's dirt poor or filthy rich.  Only the middle class is clean.



If Sisyphus were alive today, he wouldn't push a rock up a hill.  It would be a lawn mover.



Tomorrow may not be another day.



More aphorisms by Richard Greene can be found at www.greenepage.net.  He also welcomes feedback.  His email address is greeneplace@gmail.com



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