Adina Dabija

Born on October 15, 1974, Aiud, Romania.1997 - 2000 works as a jurnalist in Bucharest. She publishes in "Capital", "Succes", "Playboy", "Madame Figaro", "Adevãrul", "Q Media", "Invest Romania".

Studies in master in communications multimedia, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2001-2003. Master in Oriental Medicine, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, New York, 2008.

 A poet and playwright, she now lives in New York, where she practices oriental medicine. Her first book, poezia-papusa, was awarded the Bucharest Writers’ Association Guild Prize. Her second book, Stare nediferentiata, won the Tomis Award. Beautybeast, translated in English by Claudia Serea, published by NorthShore Press, 2012, is her first collection of poetry appearing in English.


  “My disposition and appetite for poetry were immediately aroused by these poems, like a bear’s nose awakened by the scent of honey in August. They are beautiful, fresh, naughty,full of life, and quite intelligent.”

 —Andrei Codrescu




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